a. obsessed with twilight
b. obsessed with vampires and wanting a vampire boyfriend
c. reading all four books in under 48 hours
d. going to forks with Natalie on a spur-of-the-moment trip
Unfortunately for us they had closed the bridge, FML, so we had to drive all the way around...I don't understand how they can just close the ONE FUCKING BRIDGE TO THE PENINSULA!! seriously, how are we supposed to hike.
We made it!!
Basicaly Forks is the shittiest town ever, even when its not raining, and is way to flat and farmy to be the setting for twilight, unfortunately there isn't any other life on the peninsula so they didn't have much choice. I've driven through Forks countless times on my way to the ocean and didn't even remember it so that shows you just how forgettable it is, and PS hollywood, they definitely don't have black or asian people there, just a lot of hicks. They do however, have awesome burgers at the burger place as you drive into town...like 15 different ones you can get, including a bella burger!!! The town marketing was a bit overexcited to have the sudden inflow of tourism with twilight themed signs everywhere:

We camped at LaPush and tried to find attractive indians (a la Jacob) or any indians for that matter - its amazingly hard to find indians on a reservation..which is incredible since it is a reservation... since we couldn't find ANYONE to hang out with since the bridge closure has cut the volume of campers by at least 90 percent, we just got in touch with nature instead and had a nice meal on our rock plates eating with out beach spoons we had found earlier in the day.
La Push is pretty awesome, rugged coastline with lots of seastacks poking up in the bays. It also has the best surf out at the coast so we got to watch some miserable looking surfers battle with hypothermia. These surfers later came into the burger joint where we were happily consuming our salmon and jalepeno burgers, gave us a bouquet of wildflowers they had picked and told us that they would "love to stay and flirt, but had to get going". Anyone who surfs the WA coast is either completely crazy of a huge badass so its too bad they couldn't stay and flirt, either way it would have been fun.
Nat getting pulled over by the tribal police...for doing 10 over. SERIOUSLY???!!!?!