We headed over to Nanjie after and spent a few hours being ridiculous there, eventually going to Vicks and having another epic night. Gardiner somehow managed to chip Che's tooth on her ring while "sculpting" his face.
Got home from Vick's at 630 and had no money to pay for the cab so I just ran....I feel really bad about it, at least the cab ride was only 10 Kuai. Then of course I set my alarm for 830 since I had a train to catch and the ticket was 400 kuai and I really didn’t want to miss it, buuuuut.......
Woke up at noon. Ooooops. So that is why I am still in Beijing. I’m just going to be uber lazy and skip Shangai and fly straight to Burma from here, since I can just do Shangai in the spring when I come back for HONG KONG SEVENS.. which I’m already pretty excited about. Mostly is awesome since I said goodbye to everyone last night..and yet.. I am still here, and showed up at Rickshaw for quiz night.. and then we destroyed the boys at skill darts. HAH
Woke up at noon. Ooooops. So that is why I am still in Beijing. I’m just going to be uber lazy and skip Shangai and fly straight to Burma from here, since I can just do Shangai in the spring when I come back for HONG KONG SEVENS.. which I’m already pretty excited about. Mostly is awesome since I said goodbye to everyone last night..and yet.. I am still here, and showed up at Rickshaw for quiz night.. and then we destroyed the boys at skill darts. HAH
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