Bohol is an island 2 hours from Cebu which the philipina governemnt randomly decided was destined for great things and have run an overwhelming tourism campaign based on Tasiers, which are common on the island - by the way tasiers live all over the philippines... not just on bohol. I don't really understand the appeal of tasiers either, they kind of look like a cross between ET and a possum.
Anyway.... We all went to Bohol for the band's concert, which was reaaaallly fun although I was SO sick (thanks Matet) that I had to go to sleep and didn't even see them play..which was too bad, so most of my pictures are from the next day when we all went out to some beach place for the day before we had to go back to Cebu.
On the boat on the way over:

Filippinos have clearly embraced text-speak..
Rules, rules rules...There must be huge problems with cleanliness in the philippines because every bus and boat had this sign.

UBEC Crew represent (everyone in Cebu calls it UBEC)

On the boat ride over....

Sound check

Really big space they played in.. apparently they're a big deal

Really pretty church in the main town on Bohol
Beginning of beach pictures from the next day:

Jah and Santo Nino

Jurry had the job of dispensing the Red Horse to everyone.

Lunch before it went on the grill


Morning after the concert everyone is looking a bit rough... Wear it Chief
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