Had a bitch of a time getting there, my flight from Perth to Melb was four hours late, so needless to say I missed my flight to Brissy. Luckily, Donz was able to find a reasonably* priced flight the same day so I was able to get on that and still make it to brisbane the same day. On a side note, my cell phone is registered to some random saudi guy I met in the airport because I needed am australian address to register it to....random, hopefully he won't get billed or anything.

Oh, and I don't really have any pictures from brissy since I was so bucketed the whole time, compliments of the big boys.
I showed up at Donz's apt sleep deprived, completely messed up, just a total train wreck, still used to thinking air conditioning / bedding was a luxury..and then I got to donz's apt....
Holy shit, maybe it was because I had been living for the past month in a ten by ten box full of mosquittos with a sarong as my only sheet on a one inch mattress, but I was pretty sure I had walked into a palace -- A gleaming kitchen, balcony with a perfect view of the city, computers and TVs everywhere, glass doors etc.. all the things that I'm already considering normal again since I'm back in the US, but at the time they seemed like unheard of extravagance.
anyway, I had probably my favorite time in Oz while I was in brisbane, even though I did jack shit the whole time except for eat food from morning till night. I think I gained at least ten pounds.. no joke. Donz's apt is kind of the central meeting point for everyone since its right downtown and they never lock their door, so any hour of the day/night people just show up to party or crash on their couches so there were always people around getting loose or crashing on their couches.
The day after I got there we went to Future music fest which was a BIG party, the little I remember of it. At night we moved the party over to joey's who lives in a sick house right on the river and his parents were throwing a huge party, I think donz told me it was 10 grand on booze alone. Anyway, we smashed it there for the rest of the night, donz DJd and everyone got mohammed; even Joe's parents who kept turning the volume up on the stereo even after the cops came and were pouring drinks for people the whole time.
Pretty late in the night people lost the plot completely and one of Joey's friends got his dirtbike off his car up in the driveway, drove it down the stairs, into the kitchen and then out on the aptio where he stared doing wheelies. The only reproach we got from the adults was, can you guys settle down a bit. Oh, and also a bunch of the guys hadn't been able to get a cab after future since they were all booked out so they decided it would be a good idea to call a stretch hummer to take them from future to Joey's and rolled up in that. Classy.
The rest of the week we just continued to smash it, but in a slightly* more low key manner since Donz and Hodgey had to work. I had so much fun that I'm heavily considering moving back for 6 months while its cold and miserable here, and nice and warm there. Also was nice enough to make everyone a delicious chocolate cake...which resulted in Hodgy missing work the next day because his limbs hadn't remarbled.
We also went to a Rugby game.. which was tons of fun since I haven't gotten to go to any sporting event since the olympics.. We printed out a mistakenly large copy of Deon's ticket, which he immediately made a cape out of. He tried to scan it at the stadium and convince the security guard that it was a real ticket, but apparently they don't accept big boy tickets there. The rugers was awesome, kind of like football but without the stops.

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