They kept pushing back the departure time until finally at 9pm they told us to go home bc it wasn't coming. So hundreds of us had sat on the dock for nine hours, eating pancakes and being subjected to the this horrible tune from an ice cream truck and all for nothing. The tune of the ice cream truck still haunts me. Seriously. We heard it once in the Philippines and we both had flashbacks. Kelly and Maz decided to go to Koh Phi Phi instead, leaving me a bit stranded, but as always I made new friends to travel with pretty quickly. (actualy, other people befriended me, I guess it wasn't really my doing :)
We came back the next day at the same time, to just as much uncedrtainty as the day before: they had stopped selling tickets, people were saying the boats were still canceled etc. Luckily the boat showed, and on time too! The ride there was CRAZY, huge waves, people were crying and wearing life jackets. I was completely soaked by the time we got there from the waves splashing over the rail, but over all it was fuuuun.
Koh Tao was the same as usual, pretty chill, good food and good times at choppers and lotus. Deon (one of the aussies) managed to split his head open and luckily coops was there because simo wanted to put band aids on it since he though going to the hospital would be too expensive. Coops knew you don't fuck around with head wounds so he took Deon to the clinic and 20 stitches later he hadn't died and was able to party the next night. champion.

My bag got stolen at lotus one night so I lost my camera, cell phone and liam's cell phone, which I feel a bit bad about, but whatevs, put shit in my bag at your own risk.
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