For the past week I have had what kind of feels like a haystack on my head and I have mixed feelings about it. Most people say they like the way they look and they are kinda fun to have, but here are the downsides:
A. they are supposed to be all low maintenance and shit, but this is a lie. Maybe it's because i'm an slovenly human being and don't bathe as often as I should, but you still need to wash it like once a week, and then you can only use natural soap so its still as much of a pain in the butt, and they get little piece of hair that start coming out so unless you want nasty ones you need to constantly be poking that stuff back in, and I have little tails on mine that still get all tangled.
B. When you dive into the water they create drag, kind of like having a parachute on your head, so not advisable for swimmers (note to phelps)
C. Its given people something to yell at me -Now I get: Hey Rasta, Bob Marley, or Reggae. Which is kinda annoying, on Malapascua everyone just called me Reggae the whole time.
2. Fighting Cocks
Last night I went out with some Belgians and Swedes, who proceeded to get so drunk they bought a fighting cock - Then we carried it around with us all night, until it got too "unruly" and started scratching people, and then we returned it to its owner for the night. I saw some fighting yesterday when I was driving around the island, without the knives, and it was pretty cool, so now I really want to go to a cockfight, I don't really have that much of a problem with it since they eat the loser.

3. Philippines
I LOVE the Philippines, it is amazing. example: yesterday I was hanging out with my friend Marlyn up in Madredejos, her family is extremely poor - 9 kids, one room shack on the beach, shes the first to make it through high school, etc. Her mom went and bought my a pepsi and some bread for a snack even though I'm sure they didn't even have enough for themselves.
My plan right now is to go back to Sairgao for a month and do the following:
1. Learn how to surf at least decently
2. Learn how to climb a coconut tree
3. Play guitar more
4. Read the Idiot
5. Fantasize about buying property and living the
4. Life Goals
I also made a list of the things I want to do in the next five or ten years, in no particular order:
-Open a hostel or restaurant
-Go to cooking school
-Have something that I write published in some form even if only by my local newspaper
-Spend 5 months in India
-Work in Australia
-Drive from Gibraltar to Morocco around the Med
-Do Africa
-Learn how to sail so I can borrow the parents' boat
-Live on the farm and learn how to ride horses like a gaucho and speak better Spanish.
-Live in a Yurt/boat on Cortes Island
-Join a commune
Give me a shoutout if any of our goals converge

1 comment:
gaucho/farm/spanish converge....other than that my goals are boring compared to yours.
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