Left Vang Vieng to Luang Prabang even though we only had a few day before we had to be back in BKK to fly to Manila, but I had really wanted to go to LP, so I kinda forced Liam to stop tubing and come with me. It unfortunately wasn't as cool as I was expecting; it was cool but there was a bit of over hype, and it was really cold, so I think my brain was too frozen to revel in the surroundings most of the time.

The main attractions are the temples scattered over town and the strong Buddhist culture and tradition that remains in the city as a result of the abundant monasteries. We checked out a few of the main temples, and then rented bikes one day and road 15 k to a waterfall, which was decently cool, but that was about all we did.

There was an amazing sign on the door of our hotel room, which made up for the under awing-ness of Luang Prabang. It read: "It is forbidden to for foreigners and non-foreign to bring prostitute in hotel room for purpose of making sex movie" or something like that.. yeah.. it made up for the cold and everything.

Pretty sunset
That page is hanging on my bedroom door now, so no foreigners make anything near a sex movie in my room.
Reeealy.. I don't know if you would totally want to rule that out in case any non-aussies came to visit you
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