Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beijing, Beijing, Wo Ai Beijing (kind of)

I was rushing around so much last week that I didn’t get a chance to post anything… and then the weekend, (Halloween & Kanye), was such a shitshow that I never even made it out of Jing… even though I’m supposed to be in Shanghai right now and even had a 400 kuai train ticket.

Backing up, I spent all week frantically rushing around packing, shipping things, cleaning etc – all in all extremely boring and not really worth mentioning. Two things though:

1) I made In-N-Out... it was actually very easy, but it didn't taste quite right because I used extra sharp cheddar cheese and so the cheese had too much taste. The sauce tasted pretty good though - I just mixed Thousand Island with sour cream to make it a little less strong.

Animal style fries... Beijing style

2) On Monday I went to the US embassy to VOTE because my absentee ballot had gotten lost somewhere in the Chinese postal system – somehow they are still managing to thwart democracy even if I am not a citizen of the country. The address from the website was utter crap and completely wrong, so I ended up having to call the number to try and find out where the feck it was because at this point I had been wandering around a back alley with donkeys and rubble for a good 45 minutes, wondering why the US would put their embassy in such a shithole. I called the number and got a recorded options: number 1 – to report the death, arrest or kidnapping of a American citizen, and option 2: more information. Option 2 was just more recording and completely worthless, so I decided I would just push 1 and profusely apologize for abusing their system when the person came on the line. Pushed 1, and I got: AN ANSWERING MACHINE!!... good to know that if I’m reporting someone being kidnapped or dread it goes to voicemail.


Below are just some pics of the olympic venues and the forbidden city.. which I finally went to go see - I'm such a bad tourist.

Birds nest...

Water Cube
More water cube...

More birds nest

Pretty weather!!!
Ugly smog...
Forbidden City from the hill at the end..
More Forbidden City.. is very large..


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